I keep thinking about how difficult it would be to research this cancer episode of our lives if we didn’t have the internet. Our go-to med site is the Mayo Clinic, but sometimes I check in with MD Anderson. We have been given various other sites, which I also peruse on occasion. There also are our dear friends from the middle of the country, a married couple who are doctors and parents to some of our favorite (now-grown) children. They have helped us weigh the information we have taken in and nudged us forward to dive into another layer of our reading and steered us if we were taking a left turn rather than a right one. Everyone should be so fortunate!
We have also had an advantage in the doctors we have visited. Our Medicare/insurance supplement opened the doors to caring people who have steadied the ship and given us an opportunity to learn more on the issues at hand.
Of course we wouldn’t be “us” if we didn’t investigate the cancer issue through the lens of our oldest healing connections. This includes our acupuncturist, midwife friends, others who work in the healing arts, and the many authors we have been reading for years.
Then there are the folks who have walked though our door: friends who have overcome cancer in a variety of ways, friends who have brushed up against cancer through family and friends, buddies who send books and cookbooks that have appeared on our doorstep and replaced my old cookbook library as we adjust Spencer’s diet to combat the cancer in his body.
The initial outpouring of support and concern came in response to an email that was released by an acquaintance as we were still digesting the info ourselves. Now that the GoFundMe has been up for a almost a week (thank you Katie!), we are touched to tears many days with the breadth of people who have so generously responded. And the envelopes that appear under the door and in the mailbox ~ Wow! y’all! All of this points up what a large and caring community exists out there in the world through Spencer’s music and travels, as well as the connections made by our children.
Speaking of which, our children and their wonderful partners/spouses have added their loving support individually and as a group. They question and investigate, visiting us even when they live out of town. A couple have come along on doctor visits. Their energy and love uplift us daily.
For ALL of this ~ we humbly give thanks.