Dirt Roads

According to Dirty Linen, the Folk Music “bible” of New England, Spencer Bohren's DIRT ROADS is “…the most stunning Blues recording of the year!”

It is an unusually atmospheric set of music, paying tribute to a musical era before radio, television and the media informed the public taste. The title implies a period before pavement, before the automobile.

It was a time when music was a pure expression of the heart, soul, or the circumstances of life. The acoustic instrumentation of Spencer Bohren on guitar, slide and mandolin, backed by JAB Wilson on harmonica, is as comfortable as an old pair of boots. It's soothing to the soul.

Included are traditional blues, spirituals and field hollers, along with several of Spencer's “traditional originals,” inspired by back roads music from America's past. DIRT ROADS became an instant favorite among Spencer Bohren fans worldwide.


  1. Down the Road

  2. Born in a Biscayne

  3. In-Between Friends

  4. Hard Time Killin’ Floor

  5. C’Mon Down

  6. Witch Doctor

  7. Broke Down Engine

  8. Been ‘Round the World

  9. Long Gone Lonesome Blues

  10. No Expectations

  11. Dirt Road Blues